5 things we want to squanch in Rick and Morty Season 4

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Season Four of Rick and Morty is on the horizon. Finally, no more chasing the rickmobile and scouring Dan Harmon’s twitter feed. Even better news, the show finalized a contract with Cartoon Network for 70 more episodes. The contract gurantees the show will be around for years to come, and ensures that any spin-off series will also appear on the same network. The agreement could also herald a change in production, with episodes planned in advance the development time can go down, or at least become more consistent. (No more spending a year in torurous uncertainty while waiting in between seasons)

The hype is real, and fans like myself are already thinking about what will happen in season 4. With a show so unpredictable it is impossible to say for sure. So instead of guessing or hoping like a Jerry in daycare the time has come to make bold, decisive predictions. So without any further ado, here’s our list of 5 things we want to squanch in Season Four. 

5) Musical Episodes 

When Get swifty premiered it was a spontaneous planet saving  masterpiece. In the ending credits of Rest and Ricklaxation we got to hear the dulcet tunes of Terry Folds: A love song sung by an alien composed entirely of fat flaps, (It was the musical metaphor for America before the Childish Gambino one .) And who can forget the Tiny Rick classic: “help, help, please just let me out, im begging for help, im screaming for help, this is not a dance.” (my body is dying in a vat in the garage). They don’t make em like that anymore.  

Rick and Morty’s fatalistic tone is one of the core contributors to the show’s popularity, but musical breaks from the perpetual existential crisis that is Rick Sanchez helps maintain levity. Personally, I would like to see a power ballad performed by Mr Poopy Butthole and composed by Squanchy, if for no other reason to see those words in the episode synopsis.

4) Pocket Mortys (without the Council of Ricks)

The mobile-based pokemon inspired poket mortys has kept the cult community of Rick and Morty relatively sated while we binge watch old episodes over and over again. The game was originally inspired by the Council of Ricks episode, and the accompanying Citadel full of Ricks and Mortys from parallel universes.

We saw many of these Mortys die brutally when Rick C137 (the main Rick in the series) killed the Council and destroyed the Citadel but we also know that many survived and the refugees banded together to create a new Citadel. We could see what a day in the life of fish Rick is like, or how hammer Summer is handling the passing of hammer Morty. Can apple Rick and orange Morty overcome their differences and work together? Or will fat Morty eat them both? Something of a Morty uprising has occured since the Council was killed off, with a democratically elected Morty as the new leader of the Citadel’s replacement. Which leads us into the next thing we wanted to squanch.

3) Evil Morty

Since he made his debut in Close Rickcounters of the Rick kind, Evil Morty has been the source for countless fan theories. There is speculation on whether or not this morty is C137’s original Morty, thereby questioning whether the C137 Morty that we know up to this point is a clone. (The same has been questioned of Beth, as well) The destruction of C137 Rick and Morty’s universe was handled in one episode, but it had a lasting effect on the show. Many of these theories about Evil Morty are bigger than one season can hold, and the conflict between Evil Morty  might actually become the main conflict in the series if they are indeed true.

Rumors aside, the show creators have latched on to the name “Evil Morty” even if they never actually called the character that in the show. Our squanch on the matter is this: Evil Morty could represent a antagonist that would require Rick and Morty to work close together to defeat. With the ever increasing tension between Rick and Morty, a common enemy could heal some of the damage that their adventures have had on their relationship. As we saw in Morty’s Mindblowers, the relationship between the two requires memories to be erased to function. But we’ve seen Beth and Jerry reconcile their differences, Rick and Morty can do the same. Evil Morty shouldn’t be defeated in season 4, but we hope he appears if only to become the Voldemort of the series, acting indirectly and not truly defeated until the final season.

2) Interdimensional Cable

Quite possibly one of the most widely loved episodes, interdimensional cable was Rick and Morty at its absolute best. The “improvisational tone” managed to carry some of the funniest moments in the series while also developing the codependent conflict that was jerry and beth. Morty’s mind blowers was a spiritual successor to interdimensional cable, but instead of being a bonding moment for Rick and Morty, it showed just how abusive their relationship was. In interdimensional cable Morty gave a heartfelt, speech to Summer that captured the spirit of the show: “Nobody exists on purpose, Nobody belongs anywhere, everybody’s gonna die, come watch tv.”

That Wub A lub Dub Dub attitude is a recurring theme in the show. Partying in the face of pain is how Rick lives his life, and Interdimensional cable is a moment of tranquility where we get to see Morty learn from Rick, and grow. By contrast, the Morty in “mindblowers” was gaslighted and insecure, it undermined the relationship between Rick and Morty even further, and it even referenced Interdimensional cable in the episode, with Rick actually saying, “We’re doing this instead of interdimensional cable.” in the opening. As fun as breaking the fourth wall is, getting another Interdimensional cable show would be even better. 

1) Social Commentary

According to Fortune.com Rick and Morty is the most popular show right now among millenials, moreso than the Simpsons, Southpark, or Family Guy. But now that Rick and Morty has been signed on for up to 7 more years (if each season continues to have 10 episodes, which could change,) the show can start to look to the future. with well established characters that eventually begin to focus as much on social commentary as the storylines in contained in the universe. (Or in Rick and Morty’s case, universes.)

Looking at The Simpsons, Family Guy, and South Park, we can see a pattern where adult oriented animated comedy series begin to develop storylines that provided commentary on realworld events. The season 3 finale was thought to be a commentary focusing on the Trump administration, with Rick rejecting the President of the United States and the president’s oversensitive reaction as a caricature.

What would it be like to have a Rick and Morty that addressed current events? Is it the next level for the show? Or would it be a deviation from the series’ roots? Do you agree with our list? What do you want to squanch in the new season? Let us know in the comments below!

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